Leathy’s Death Notice, 1861

From the Daily Dispatch, May 4, 1861:

Yesterday afternoon, Leathy, infant child of Baylor S. and Leathy Martin, aged 2 years9 months and 12 days.

That once loved form, now cold and dead,
Each mournful thought employs;
We weep our earthly comforts fled,
And withered all our joys.
Hope looks beyond the bounds of time,
When what we now deplore
Shall rise in full immortal prime,
And bloom to fade no more.

The funeral will take place from the residence of her father, on Oregon Hill, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock. The friends of the family are invited to attend.

Editor’s Note: Baylor Martin was one of the founders of the Pine St. Baptist Church and lived at 401 S. Pine

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