Litter CleanUp on Saturday, Jan. 29th

Saw this welcome news on Facebook for LitterFreeRVA:

Happy New Year RVA!

Now that that holidays are over, we’re planning our next cleanup for Saturday, January 29th in Oregon Hill. We’re going to meet at noon at W. Cary St. & S. Cherry St. and work our way through the neighborhood. After the cleanup we’re going to meet back at one of the nearby restaurants for a great lunch. We’ll be providing gloves and trash bags, but feel free to bring some water and a snack if you’re interested. Bring your friends and help us beautify Richmond!

Click here for LitterFreeRVA’s web page.

11 thoughts on “Litter CleanUp on Saturday, Jan. 29th

  1. Gosh, it looks like Oregon Hill should be closed down and renovated by the city, litter is just strewn all about like no one cares. Luckily in Monroe Park folks are using the trash bins, as your photo shows. Thanks for showing us how easy it is to use a photo to make a point.

  2. Scott
    What exactly is your intention in posting a picture of a trash can full of trash in Monroe Park and not allowing comments?
    Isn’t trash supposed to go in trashcans? Isn’t that the POINT of trashcans?
    If VCU (who is supposed to take care of trash in the park) or the City (who gave that responsibility to VCU) would actually empty the cans on the weekends, or more on the weekends, the cans wouldn’t be so overflowing.
    Food Not Bombs picks up our trash. Every week there is a bag of trash that comes back to my house that we take out with our garbage.
    The trashcans are ALWAYS full on the weekends. BEcause more people use the park on the weekend.
    I just don’t see why you are posting these pictures. It comes off as antagonistic. That might not be your intention, but I need for you to know that that is how it comes off. A 3rd party emailed me today to tell me about your post and their confusion around why you posted it.
    Feel free to post this email on the blog if you want

  3. Mo,

    I did not attack FNB- I did not even name the group in the post. All I did was post a picture that a concerned neighbor took of an overfilled trash can.

    The problem is that the trash blows out of the overfilled can and all over the park and then into the surrounding neighborhoods. Perhaps more trash cans would solve the problem. I have asked repeatedly for more public trash cans in my neighborhood and have been ignored.

    I did not allow comments on the post because I did not want more personal attacks or profanity associated with Monroe Park. I thought I made that clear in the last post.

    What I do find antagonistic is the way people attack Oregon Hill for caring about litter problems. Leaving comments about how VCU should knock more of it down. What does that say?

    My only intention is to bring attention to an ongoing problem.

    Again, I did not point to FNB or name the group. In fact, if anything, personally I have been supportive of the group and been sympathetic to the idea of keeping Monroe Park open during renovations.


  4. There are more photos from last night in Monroe Park on the FB Friends of Monroe Park group that show trash on the ground. The Park was left a mess last night. As did Scott, I did not place any blame against any of the park users, I just asked the question “Why do people show such disrespect to Monroe Park?”

  5. Not so much the homeowners providing the trash as the renting student population. Apart from FNB, this means that Monroe Park and Oregon Hill share a problem, 18-22 year-olds with no respect and too much beer.

  6. Mary, while I hear what you are saying, believe it or not, I would like to try to stick to the more positive problem-solving aspect of this post.

    Neighborhood litter clean up Saturday- everyone is invited to help out.

  7. I plan on joining the cleanup effort and appreciate that folks living outside of OH have initiated/organized the clean up – as they have also done for other Neighborhoods in the City.

    Also, There was a posting recently on here of someone “Red ?” who was making an individual effort to clean up trash on OH.

    Our last cleanup effort was initiated/organized by VCU students and OHNA – the week-end prior to the Halloween Parade. There was very little participation from the OH residents and students. I sincerely hope to see a large improvement in the OH student and resident participation this Saturday.

    Debbie Anderson,
    OHNA Vice President

  8. Just want to give many thanks to the LitterFreeRVA crew. Danny (a former FNBer, btw), Nick, Sam, Barry, and crew did some great work. Its very much appreciated and I enjoyed the beer afterwards.

    I need to put you guys in touch with the Clean City Commission and get you some donations. I also look forward to helping clean another neighborhood with you.

  9. Pingback: North Richmond News » Got litter?

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