Congressional Candidates At The Crusade

Pictures of 3rd District Congressional Candidates at the Crusade for Voters meeting earlier tonight- in no particular order:

John Kelly

Bobby Scott

James Quigley

Chuck Smith

I did not get my question in for the candidates, but if you will forgive some editorial license, I will go ahead and pose it here:

Will you take the following pledge?
The Supreme Court’s flawed decision allowing corporations to spend unlimited amounts to influence election outcomes endangers our democracy and threatens to drown out the voices of individual citizens. I pledge to protect America from unlimited corporate spending in our elections by supporting a Constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s decision giving corporations the same First Amendment rights as people.

11 thoughts on “Congressional Candidates At The Crusade

  1. Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion, “When government seeks to use its full power, including the criminal law, to command where a person may get his or her information or what distrusted source he or she may not hear, it uses censorship to control thought.” This sentence sums up why corporations can and should be allowed to donate to the candidate of their choice.

    To be noted: crooked unions (AFL-CIO, SEIU, etc.) can also give unlimited amounts to candidates, as well, under this ruling.

  2. just curioius: how are the delegates supposed to reverse the Supreme Court decision?

    Federal funding for the election was, if i understand correctly, waived off by Clinton and also Obama since neither wanted to impose limits.

    the private and corporate anonymous funding of issue ads ….doesn’t represent a threat to democracy. Money has always played a disproportionate role in influencing elections. At least now, its more obvious. good. and maybe we can finally get the public to get jaded over those advertisements and not be so gullible like what happened with Kerry and the swift boat thing.
    you either trust the people or you don’t. if they can’t be trusted, then they don’t deserve the democracy.

  3. I would argue that, at this point, the government’s full power is controlled by the corporations. This is exactly the type of tyranny the Founders were concerned about.

    The Supreme Court decision is why we need a Constitutional amendment.

  4. Would I seek to overturn the Supreme Court decision that gave corporations the same First Amendment rights as an individual?

    Yes! A hundred times over Yes! I’ll swear to God, Yes! Corporations are quasi-governmental organizations created through a charter of incorporation. There is no reason why they should have the legal advantages and taxpayer-funded subsidies that they do today.

  5. Pingback: Meanwhile In Northern Virginia…Move To Amend! ‹ Oregon Hill

  6. Pingback: Constitutional Amendment Introduced in Congress Ensuring Rights for People, Not Corporations ‹ Oregon Hill

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