Get Ready For “The Ocho”

According to this article on RVANews, we can expect some Best Friends Day events in Oregon Hill:

Friday, August 21st
11:30am at Vinyl Conflict: Scavenger Hunt
Sign-ups and the official start will take place here.
Vinly Conflict is located at 324 S. Pine Street. There is no charge to take part in the scavenger hunt.

Saturday, August 22nd
11am at Fine Food Parking Lot: Show featuring…
Fine Food is located at 700 Idlewood Avenue. This show is free!.

King Asks For More Solar

Although there have been some welcome announcements recently about local solar projects, the King of Oregon Hill asks his subjects and other local leaders to do more to utilize distributed rooftop solar energy as an alternative to the grid’s dirty coal power.

“I have lobbied heavily for more solar for a while now. All along, I have encouraged VCU to do solar, including thermal with the new rec center pool project. I have lobbied Richmond Public Schools to renovate Open High with solar as a pilot for future solar schools,” stated Burger. “Furthermore, I have tried to serve as an example, putting solar on top of my palace, and in the process, compelling Dominion Power to improve the micro-grid in the neighborhood.

Now is not the time to let up as the financial and environmental incentives keep increasing. Certainly, solar will not be our sole saving grace, but combined with energy conservation and other renewable energy, it is part of the overall solution to emerging emergencies, including Peak Oil and Climate Change.

Of course I do not expect everyone to be in a place or position to afford full PV solar arrays, but I do hope that everyone will take what steps they can- whether it be solar powering just one room or structure, or attempting solar financing as a third party.

I will also note how this intersects with previous royal edicts on food security. The conversation continues to grow.”

“Dance in A Good Cause”

From the archives of the Times Dispatch:

August 18, 1905, Image 6

Dance in A Good Cause
Dancing will be a most enjoyable feature of an entertainment for the benefit of smallpox sufferers on Oregon Hill, to be given at Forest Hill Park Monday night, August 28th, by Mrs. Alice Meitz. Tickets may be obtained for 50 cents at the residence of Mr. E. T. Davis, No. 507 Belvidere Street, and at Marston’s drug store, on Pine Street.

Wednesday Walking Tour Of Hollywood Cemetery

Walking Tour: Highlights of Hollywood Cemetery
Monday – Saturday, April through October Learn about the cemetery’s history, artwork and symbolism, as well as the famous personalities buried there, including two U.S. Presidents, writer Ellen Glasgow, Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Generals George Pickett and J.E.B. Stuart.

Event Date/Time: 8/19/2009 10:00-11:30 am
Venue: Hollywood Cemetery
Location: Meet your guide at the rear of the stone structure on the left at the cemetery entrance at Cherry and Albemarle Streets.
Cost: $10, $5 for History Center members
Sponsor: The Valentine Richmond History Center
Phone: (804) 649-0711 x301 Email:
Open to the Public: Yes

GoogleMaps Virtual Roadtripsters To Be Interviewed On NPR

I mentioned Pete’s excellent adventure earlier this week. Our brave armchair travelers have fallen a bit behind- they were supposed to finish Wednesday evening but from the looks of things, they are in Arkansas somewhere. Anyway, they are scheduled to be interviewed on National Public Radio’s Weekend Edition tomorrow morning for a short segment between 8 am and 9 am. Evidently their following picked up after the Google Maps folks got them to fix the Google logo and Twittered about the project to their 1.3. million followers.

WBCH Carnival on August 20th

William Byrd Community House will hold its annual CARNIVAL on Thursday, August 20, 2009 from 4:00- 7:00 pm. Traditionally for WBCH program participants and their families, this year’s event is open to the public. Come and visit the information and enrollment booths for our Early Childhood Education (ages 3-5), AfterSchool (ages 5-12), and Career Readiness programs (ages 14-24), as well as our Library & Byrd House Market and Family Support & Emergency Services programs.

The annual CARNIVAL co-sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Richmond and Capital One will feature games, arts and craft activities, moon bounces, slides, food and drink.

Founded in 1923, William Byrd Community House provides a full range of prevention-oriented, community-based programs to empower the individual, strengthen the family, and enhance neighborhoods. William Byrd Community House gives the working poor access to services for their most pressing needs such as viable housing, health care, employment and education. The goal of the agency is to work with community partners to find the appropriate pathway to success for those who walk through the door looking for help.

For more information contact Jessica Turner, Development Associate at 643-2717 or