eager runners
The Ukrops Monument 10K was this morning. Its a fantastic, family-friendly, fitness event for the whole region. I know some Oregon Hill residents took part and I implore them to send some photos so I can post them here.
And I am really sorry to bring up a sore subject with such a great, happy event. But I need to…
The parking is one thing. We are used to people parking in our neighborhood for nearby big events (Folk Festival, for example) – its part of city living. But the traffic pattern is nuts and what is worse is that its so preventable. The pile up of cars and SUV’s coming off the 195 Belvidere (really Idlewood) exit is gross. The majority of cars turn left onto little one-way S. Cherry St. For residents who need to use S. Cherry to exit the neighborhood, its a real problem. Imagine if there was an emergency that compounded the situation.
We’ve brought up this problem before and now people are starting to realize how big it is. Remember, that the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association was very concerned about traffic and mass with the controversial Cary Street VCU Student Recreational Center. It did not have to be this way.
Despite this, the neighborhood association has proposed a partial solution to traffic problems with a new roundabout/traffic circle in front of Hollywood Cemetery that would allow westward traffic on Idlewood. This would improve traffic and safety issues for Idlewood and Cherry streets. It would add convenience for VCU commuters, visitors, and residents. We have asked repeatedly that it be part of the Downtown Master Plan. VCU even promised OHNA officials that it would help make it happen. Still no sign of it though.
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Pingback: Oregon Hill » Street Closings, Restrictions for Monument 10K - Richmond, Virginia