Patrick Henry Charter School Planning

I wish Richmond Public Schools would hold one of these sessions and let us know when Open High and Fox Elementary will get their elevators and solar panels.

Name: Kelly Bulbulkaya
Phone: 804 233-2848
We are trying to get this information to everyone in the city. We hold these informational meetings the first Thursday of every month. It is an open house of sorts to answer questions and share information/updates about Richmond’s first charter school!
Would you please post for your readers?
Many Thanks—

Kelly Bulbulkaya
Director of Curriculum Resources
Patrick Henry School of Science & Arts
Come One and All to the
Patrick Henry Elementary School of Science and Arts
Community Update Meeting
THURSDAY, MARCH 5th 8:00 p.m.
3411 Semmes Ave.
Richmond, VA 23225

When are you opening?
How do I apply?
What is a “progressive quarterly calendar”?
What is an “outdoor classroom”?
A healthy cafeteria?
Why is PHSSA different from other Richmond Public Schools?
Find out the answers to all of your burning questions!

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