“Survivor Day” Training Offered to Richmond Residents on Saturday, September 13

WHO: Richmond residents can register to receive free training in basic survival skills during an emergency

WHAT: “Survivor Day,” sponsored by the City’s Office of Emergency Management, is a four-hour, free training session in fire safety, first-aid, and terrorism and weather response measures

WHEN: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, September 13, 2008

WHERE: Landmark Theater, 6 North Laurel Street

This training is designed to prepare citizens with information and planning tools in the event of a widespread disruption of public services, commerce and transportation due to a local emergency.

Training is free and open to all City residents. Citizens can register by calling 311 or visiting www.RichmondGov.com .

A free Survival Kit, with supplies including flashlight, gloves, batteries, toilet paper and a blanket, will be provided upon completion of the training (limit one per household).

Another VCU Siren Test

Dear Monroe Park Campus Community Advisory Group:

I wanted to let our neighbors know that at noon on Wednesday, September 3, 2008, VCU will conduct a full test of its emergency communications system.
The full test of the system will include 10 sirens on both the Monroe Park and MCV campuses along with text messages, digital signs, e-mails and Web site information that are part of a multi-channel system for communicating emergency information to VCU students, employees, parents and neighbors.

The sirens will sound a fast, up-and-down wail for three minutes, and after a one-minute pause, sound a steady wail for one minute to signal “all clear” to end the test.

We want to remind our neighbors that in a real emergency, sirens will sound for four minutes to signal that an immediate, life-threatening emergency has occurred or is imminent. The purpose of the siren is to alert people outside of campus buildings to immediately seek secure shelter and additional information. People in campus buildings should remain where they are and seek additional information about what is happening and how to respond. People off campus should not come to campus but should seek additional information. Once the campus environment is determined to be safe, the “all clear” even tone siren will be activated for two minutes.

A reminder about text messaging and our VCU Alert Web site: text messaging is the only channel available that can provide personal communication to you wherever you have cell phone service. Text messages will be used for notifications about emergencies, but will also be used to announce closings and delays for inclement weather. There is no cost for enrolling. If you haven’t done so already, you may sign up for text messaging now at www.vcu.edu/alert/notify.

Emergency information also will be available on the VCU Alert Web site at www.vcu.edu/alert, (also accessible off the VCU homepage at www.vcu.edu).

Following the test, we welcome your comments or feedback. You can e-mail us at vcualert@vcu.edu.

In addition, please note that full tests of the VCU Emergency Communications system are conducted near the beginning of each semester. Monthly checks of the siren system, consisting of a one-minute fast wail that also recharge the siren batteries, are conducted at noon on the first Wednesday of each month.

As always, we will communicate with our community neighbors when there is any enhancement or change about which you would want to know. And please, do not hesitate to forward this email to your neighbors, to help spread the word about the siren test.


e-mail: samessme@vcu.edu

Byrd House Market tomorrow!

Most people consider an heirloom something special, to be held dear. Our growers would agree with you. Their heirloom veggies are grown from seeds of varieties from bygone days — before industrialized farming made every tomato identical and tasteless. Classical guitarist Alexander Rodriguez will also be reminding us of days gone by with his beautiful Baroque music. Great food, great music, and great friends are, historically speaking, the best combination.

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